eAces – Philosophy and Values



„Every goal achieved is also a reward for the path takenEvery goal achieved is also a reward for the path taken.“

Ernst Ferstl

Jointly defined goals and adhering to strategy as the basis for success.

At eAces, we want to take everyone with us when defining goals. This is the only way we can get almost everyone on board on the path to success.


“The only thing we have to lose when we take on challenges is our fear!”

David Tatuljan

Solution-oriented and innovative approaches to challenges.

The solution should be in the foreground when we invest our precious time at eAces. Economic success is also important in order to create a WIN-WIN relationship with our customers.


“What help is all this knowledge if we lack the understanding to deal with each other.”

Pascal Hilgendorf

Fair interaction between employees, partners and customers.

Fairness is paramount at eAces. This applies to our treatment of candidates, applicants, partners and customers as well as our internal colleagues.


“If you can trust a person, there is no need for a contract. If you can’t trust him, a contract is useless.“

Jean Paul Getty

Mutual trust with customers, employees and partners characterizes business cooperation at eAces.

Contracts cannot be avoided. But the goal must be never to have recourse to them, because at that point, the relationship is already damaged. eAces prefers to act on a relationship based on trust and partnership.


“We have to expect others to count on us. However, we can decide whether we are a plus or a minus for them.”

Ernst Ferstl

Commitment and reliability characterize our cooperation with customers, partners and employees.

Our efforts to attract personalities to companies require binding agreements. Honest feedback and assessments are the keys to long-term collaboration.


„Enthusiasm is the blossom of audacity.“

Paul Richard Luck

Enthusiastic and motivated employees convince customers and partners.

Not every day in the office is spent full of enthusiasm, but we constantly work on customer mandates that inspire an enthusiasm for the challenge and for our candidates.


“Courage is the prerequisite for everything we want and can achieve.”

Gudrun Zydek

Allowing ideas and innovations and allowing people to experience them.

For our small personnel agency, this means embarking on a different path with courage. It also means being willing to start a project that does not necessarily fit into our classic service portfolio.